Are you wondering what specific vitamins can do for you? Do you know which nutrient-rich foods contain these vitamins? Look no further because this infographic has some answers for you.
I often get asked about multivitamin supplementation. For many people, getting vitamins and minerals from nutrient-rich foods may not be enough. But at least it’s a start. If you know you are at risk of nutrient deficiencies, consider adding in some of these whole-food sources to up your vitamin intake.
I love steaming or roasting some cruciferous veggies for a boost in vitamin K. Topping these veggies with a serving of grass-fed butter helps to boost the vitamin K content even more. Our best source of vitamin D comes from sunlight, but eating fatty fish like salmon 1-2 times per week can help replenish vitamin D stores as well. Most B vitamins are abundantly found in grass-fed or pasture-raised meat and poultry products. And as for vitamin C, you can get more of it by consuming brightly colored fruits and veggies.
People who follow a typical standard American way of eating may find that they’re deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. This infographic mentions grains and margarine as a source of vitamins. I personally avoid these items. I actually recommend everyone avoid margarine. It’s not real food. Not even close. But if grains work for you, I don’t see an issue with eating ones that are properly prepared by soaking and sprouting.
How do you get your daily recommended allowance of these vitamins? Do you opt to get them from the whole-food sources listed on the infographic or do you supplement with a multivitamin for added benefits?